Childcare Centre Vacancies Offer Employment and Residency Opportunities
Early Childcare has been described as a “dynamic sector for career pathways and career growth”. Childcare centres across Australia are currently scrambling to find enough qualified staff. Those people with the right qualifications and who are good at the job will have no difficulty finding work.
The current high demand has been fuelled by new regulations requiring pre-schools, kindergartens and daycare centres with 60 or more children, to have a minimum of two qualified early childhood teachers.
Qualifications for these positions include Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, up to a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood). Persons with Vocational level qualifications may later enrol in a Bachelor degree and obtain credits for prior learning.
An occupation on the current Skilled Occupation List is ANZSCO 134111 Child Care Centre Manager.
Students and others may well gain an opportunity to be sponsored for Occupational Training visas (407), Working visas (482) or even full PR (186). Former students who may hold closely related qualifications to those required but are nearing the end of their current 485 visa, may well attract an offer for the 407 training visa. That would provide more paid employment and time to complete the missing qualifications for a full skill assessment and then a working visa sponsorship, leading to Permanent Residence.
DYSON – Immigration Advice Centre migration agents are experienced in helping former students to gain employment and residence visas in this area. We invite you to contact us if you have an interest in following this path.
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